
Botulinum toxin (botox) is our most popular treatment. It expertly rejuvenates tired and dull looking skin, refreshing your look with super quick results. The treatment involves small injections to smooth out lines and wrinkles caused by muscle movement.

Botox is so versatile and isn’t just for reducing wrinkles. Botox treats non-aesthetic conditions too, such as excessive sweating, chronic headaches, and jaw grinding.

We use botox to treat…

  • frown lines

  • forehead

  • crows feet

  • jaw slimming / teeth grinding

  • migraines and chronic headaches

  • brow lift

  • bunny lines

  • chin dimpling

  • downturned mouth

  • platysma bands (Nefertiti neck lift)

  • excessive sweating

  • gummy smile

  • disappearing top lip (lip flip)

  • smokers’ lines

Say goodbye to tired looks and hello to a more vibrant you

1, 2 or 3 areas from £140

  • We administer botox to many areas, to treat many things.

    You can get botox in what we call 1 area, 2 areas or 3 areas.

    • 1 area is either your frown or crows feet.

    • 2 areas is either the frown and forehead, or frown and crows feet.

    • 3 areas is - you guessed it - all 3! The frown, forehead and crows feet.

    The forehead is not a standalone treatment; the frown also needs to be treated to balance the muscles and prevent drooping.

  • 30 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

  • we offer botox at the following price points:

    • 1 area - £140

    • 2 areas - £170

    • 3 areas - £200

gummy smile £80

  • This treatment is for you if you find a lot of gum shows when you smile. Botox is injected either side of your nose to relax the top lip from pulling up so high. If your lip also rolls under then a combination of gummy smile and lip flip my be needed and we can offer a package discount.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

smokers’ lines £130

  • Smokers' lines are the vertical lines around your mouth that develop due to pursing of your lips (from smoking, drinking from straw etc).

    Botox injections around your mouth will reduce these lines.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

brow lift from £50

  • As we age, the skin and muscles around our eyebrows start to sag. A brow lift may be a great option to give you a more refreshed, youthful appearance, by elevating the eyebrows to open up your eyes.

    We give injections to the forehead, frown and under the lateral eyebrow (the outer third of the eyebrow). This can be an add-on when the forehead is already being treated or as a standalone.

  • 30 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

bunny lines £80

  • Bunny lines are the wrinkles that form at the top and either side of your nose when you scrunch your nose up.

    When we're young these lines tend to disappear, but become more noticeable as we age as the skin starts to lose collagen and elasticity.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

excessive sweating £290

  • Botox works by blocking the messages from the nerves to the sweat glands, in the specific area that has been treated.

    Your sweat glands work when they receive messages from the body’s nervous system. If they get too many, they go into overdrive, making you sweat excessively. Botox simply blocks these messages, reducing or completely stopping sweat in the areas treated.

    One session is all you need. It usually takes between 4-7 days to take effect.

  • 1 hour

  • We ask that you remove hair from the area 3 days prior to your treatment.

  • No downtime at all, you can go straight back to work /life /socialising and no one would know!

    To avoid infections risk you should not apply any products to the area for 6 hours after treatment.

lip flip £80

  • If your top lip disappears or becomes very thin on smiling, this is for you. This treatment prevents the top lip from rolling under when you smile, creating a fuller looking lip when you smile without the need for fillers.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

pebble chin £80

  • A “pebble chin” it is the dimpling that can occur on your chin. This treatment relaxes this muscle to prevent the dimpling.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

downturned mouth £80

  • We will do small injections at both corners of your mouth to stop the muscle pulling down and contributing to marionette lines and jowling.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up for 6 hours post treatment.

chronic headaches and migraines £490

  • It is thought that the botox helps migraines by blocking neurotransmitters that carry pain signals from your brain before they get to the nerve endings around your head and neck, reducing migraine and headache.

    When we give this treatment, we inject botox in all the areas that contribute to migraines.

    A thorough consultation is needed to determine if this would work for you before you book this treatment.

  • 45 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    To avoid risk of infection, you should not apply make up or hair products for 6 hours post treatment.

teeth and jaw grinding £180

  • Grinding your teeth at night will build strong muscles in your jaw, which can create a square appearance. This treatment relaxes the jaw muscle, preventing you from grinding your teeth which in turn creates slimmer jaw lines. It will also reduce headaches, neckaches and teeth being worn down.

  • 20 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    By 2 weeks, you should notice you stop grinding your teeth/clenching your jaw. Jaw slimming can take up to 6 weeks for results to show.

Nefertiti neck lift/ platysma bands £180

  • The muscles in your neck can contribute to pulling down your jowls. This treatment relaxes the platysma band, resulting in a smoother and tighter neck and jawline.

  • 30-40 minutes

  • There is no downtime at all, you can go straight back to the things you love straight after and no one would know - you could even nip in on your lunch break!

    You should notice the full effect at 2 weeks post-treatment.

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